Tips for Managing Alzheimer’s Disease After Your Diagnosis
3 min read
Even individuals who are newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease are likely experiencing cognitive challenges. They may have trouble remembering things or making decisions, for example. After being diagnosed, here are some small changes you can make to simplify your day-to-day routine.
Table of Contents
Be Proactive with Memory Challenges.
- Use a notebook to keep important information easily accessible, including appointments, phone numbers, and your address.
- Put notes in spots where you’ll see them to remind yourself of important tasks.
- Track important dates using a smartphone calendar, and set up notifications before events as reminders.
- Ask loved ones to remind you of important dates or appointments.
- Keep photos of family members and friends labeled with their names nearby.
Plan your day Strategically.
- Do the tasks which require the most energy at the beginning of the day, or whenever you feel best.
- Consider using a planner to keep track of daily activities.
- Give yourself extra time to complete tasks.
- Take a break any time you find yourself feeling too tired or frustrated.
- Ask for help with tasks that are too challenging.
Avoid Getting lost.
- Ask someone to accompany you on outings.
- If you need help with directions, explain that you have a memory problem.
- Use a map app on your phone and input your home address so you can always use the navigation system to guide you home when you’re out.
- Talk to your healthcare provider about safe driving. Due to the complexity and inherent dangers of driving, stopping early on is always the safest option. Explore other transportation options in your area, such as busses and ridesharing.
Address Communication challenges.
- Take your time speaking and getting your thoughts out.
- If you need someone to repeat something or say it more slowly, don’t be afraid to ask.
- Try to have conversations in a quiet area.
Make sure you’re Cared for at HOME.
- Have resources in place to assist with tasks such as meal preparation, housekeeping, transportation, and grocery shopping. Local Alzheimer’s Association chapters can help you find assistance near your home.
- Ensure a trusted individual, such as a family member or neighbor, has a spare set of keys to your home.
- Keep important phone numbers near your phone, or in a prominent location if you only use a cell phone.
- Have someone check in on you daily, either by phone or through in-person visits.
Get help with Responsibilities.
- Ask a loved one to regularly check your home for perishable items that need to be discarded, mail, and electrical appliances that need to be fixed. Have them check the smoke alarm regularly, too.
- Set up automatic bill pay and direct deposits for pension or Social Security checks. Have a trusted loved one help oversee your finances.
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This post was written by a medical professional at Stemedix Inc. At Stemedix we provide access to Regenerative Medicine. Regenerative medicine has the natural potential to help improve symptoms sometimes lost from the progression of many conditions.