February 17, 2025

The World's Local Health

The Basics of In-Home Personal Training

3 min read
The Basics of In-Home Personal Training

If you are not designed to work as an employee under strict supervision, working and training people at the gym is not a good idea. For all such personal trainers, the In-Home Personal Training idea is introduced.

Since In-Home Personal Training is still a new idea to most the fitness enthusiasts, therefore here are the basics;

The In-Home Personal Training Concept

In-Home Personal Training is the type of job in which a personal trainer trains the clients at his/her home or the client’s home. The training that is given from home on a video call is also considered as an In-Home Personal Training.

The In-Home Personal Training Requirements

Even if you are planning to train people in the comfort of your or their home, the job still has a lot of requirements.

Qualification and Experience

To serve as an In-Home Personal Trainer, one has to be qualified as a personal trainer. Therefore, he must have a level 2 certificate in gym instruction and a level 3 diploma in personal training. Moreover, AED/CPR certification is also mandatory to start working on your own. If he/she lacks any of the above-mentioned diplomas/certificates, he/she is not eligible to become an In-Home Personal Trainer.

As far as the experience is concerned, an In-Home Personal Trainer doesn’t need to be experienced. However, if he start serving as an In-Home trainer after a few years of working at the gym, the In-Home Personal trainer would earn more clients and money.


The In-Home Personal Training can be started with a little capital. It is because the In-Home Personal Training does not require any expensive equipment. All an aspiring In-Home Personal Trainer requires to have is a few high-quality yoga mats, adjustable dumbbells, portable benches or club steps, medicine balls, bit bands, step stability balls, and stopwatches or interval timers to get started. In the In-Home Personal Training around 10 to 25 people can be trained at a time. Therefore, just a few yoga mats, dumbbells, club steps, medicine balls, bit bands, step stability balls, and stopwatches would be required.


Qualifications/certification and necessary equipment are not all one need to start In-Home Personal Training. If you are planning to train clients in your Home, space enough to train a few clients at a time is also required. However, if you are okay training clients at their homes, no space is required. Both indoors and outdoor environments are okay for In-Home Personal training, therefore whatever is feasible should be turned into a training class.

In brief, The In-Home Personal Training is a type of job in which a level 2 certified gym instruction and a level 3 personal training diploma holder trains people at home. The In-Home Personal Training requires the basic qualification level 2 certificate in gym instruction and a level 3 diploma in personal training, and AED/CPR certification, some personal training equipment like yoga mats, club steps, stopwatches, dumbbells, bit bands, step stability balls, and medicine balls, etc and some space.