December 5, 2024

The World's Local Health


2 min read

Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) and basic metabolic panel (BMP) are a series of blood tests that are used to measure quantities of different substances in the blood. The tests provide the doctor with a general overview of an individual’s health. Doctors order either of the tests during a regular check-up or a physical exam. Abnormal levels of substances point towards medical conditions that can be diagnosed and treated.


The tests have different purposes. While both contain a variety of tests, BMP is the simpler version of the two tests with fewer components. The basic metabolic panel has eight tests in total, while a comprehensive metabolic panel has 14 tests in total.

A basic metabolic panel is ordered to check the blood for:

  1. BUN or blood urea nitrogen: it is used to check the amount of nitrogen in your blood to gauge the effectiveness of the kidneys
  2. Creatinine: this test is also an indicator of kidney function
  3. Glucose or blood sugar:increased or decreased levels of blood sugar point towards pancreatic issues
  4. CO2 or carbon dioxide: abnormal levels of CO2 can indicate problems with lungs or kidneys
  5. Calcium: high or low amounts can be used to gauge bone, thyroid, and kidney issues
  6. Potassium: this mineral is essential for fluid balance
  7. Sodium: a mineral that performs the same function as potassium
  8. Chloride: this electrolyte is essential for fluid balance

CMP vs. BMP: What's the Difference Between the Two Blood Panels?

On the other hand, a comprehensive metabolic panel features six more tests along with the tests on the basic metabolic panel:

  1. Albumin: levels of this protein can point to issues with the kidney or the liver
  2. Total protein:this test takes stock of overall protein levels in the blood
  3. Alkaline phosphatase or ALP:high or low levels of this liver enzyme that can weed out liver or bone disorders
  4. Alanine aminotransferase or ALT/SGPT:this is an enzyme found in the liver or kidneys that can also point to liver damage
  5. Bilirubin:this is a byproduct of a natural process that breaks down red blood cells in the liver

Why have a CMP vs. a BMP?

Doctors recommend either of the tests for different reasons. Basic metabolic panels are more straightforward, and they focus on blood filtration, blood sugar, and electrolyte imbalance in the body. BMP is suitable for uncovering conditions related to the kidney and the heart.

A comprehensive metabolic panel can uncover all of this in addition to gauging effective kidney function. It also evaluates the levels of proteins present in the blood, which are closely linked to effective harmony between the liver, bones, and other organs.

A basic metabolic panel is used to generally evaluate metabolism – the process by which food is broken down, absorbed, and converted into energy for use. Book blood test online, The test results can also be used to address concerns about blood glucose levels and kidneys. A comprehensive metabolic panel is also used for this purpose, but it also evaluates the liver in detail.