Broken Heart Syndrome
3 min read
Many people use the term broken heart in a metaphorical sense, what they do not realize is your body may physically also undergo this state as well.
Also known as stress cardiomyopathy or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, this condition occurs when one experiences the symptoms like that of heart attack. However, heart does not physically get damaged because of broken heart syndrome; the changes that occur reverse mostly.
It is more common in women, and that too post-menopausal ones. Moreover, people who are older and have mental health problems are also more likely to have this condition.
Although very rarely is it fatal, it still requires the urgent intervention of the Cardiologist in Lahore.
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Signs Of Broken Heart Syndrome
In this condition, the most salient sign is shortness of breath, as the heart is unable to function well. It is also accompanied by chest pain or angina. There is also arrhythmia, erratic heartbeat, with BHS as well.
Furthermore, it also causes the blood pressure to drop. Alongside weakness of the left ventricle, there is also the presence of fluid in the lungs
Causes Of Broken Heart Syndrome
The exact causes of BHS are not fully understood. Constriction of the arteries of the heart may have to do with the broken heart syndrome. Moreover, there may also be physical changes in the heart that can lead to this condition. Some people may also have no identifiable cause as well.
However, most often, BHS is ascribed to do with a stressful situation. During stress, our body releases hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline, epinephrin and norepinephrine that in turn disrupt the functioning of the heart.
There are two main categories of stresses, physical and emotion.
Physical stressors: Any form of extreme physical pain, like in the case of broken bone can lead to broken heart syndrome. Asthma attack, seizure, stroke, surgery, blood loss, problems with breathing and low blood sugar are amongst the physical stressors that can cause BHS.
Emotional stressors: Having intense emotional trauma like the loss of a loved one or betrayal can lead to broken heart syndrome. Similarly, getting a divorce, losing a job or home, money etc. can also cause extreme emotional anguish. Situations that can cause intense grief, fear or anger can lead to BHS.
Complications Of Broken Heart Syndrome
While the condition is not as grave as heart attack or other heart problems, and the issues caused get reversed fairly quickly, however, it may lead to other complications.
These include the pooling of fluid in the lungs, also known as pulmonary edema. BHS can also cause heart failure. If the muscles of the heart become weak, there may also be blood clot formation therein. It may also lead to low blood pressure, shock, and arrhythmia as well.
Treating Broken Heart Syndrome
Most often, BSH is treated using just medication, and not surgical intervention. Whereas the exact treatment plan will be contingent on your health and symptoms, however, often, in the short-term, beta blockers and diuretics are prescribed.
For long-term use, patients are given ACE inhibitors. If mental health is behind the issue, then patients with chronic anxiety, stress or depression might then require respective medication to manage their mental health.
Your doctor may also prescribe lifestyle changes to promote health overall.
Preventing Broken Heart Syndrome
Since the exact causes of BHS are not completely understood, therefore, you cannot completely eliminate your risk of broken heart syndrome. You can, however, take steps to lower the chances.
It is pertinent that you cater to your mental health. Loss cannot be predicted, but you can fortify your mind otherwise. Practice yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and other relaxation techniques. Learn to manage your stress better.
Also, keep your heart strong. Take a good diet, one with less sodium and fat. Make sure to get adequate sleep. Exercise is also a must. If you suspect problems with your heart, consult your Cardiologist immediately.