September 9, 2024

The World's Local Health

9 Common Gynaecological Problems Faced by Women

5 min read
9 Common Gynaecological Problems Faced by Women


Every woman likes to take care of good personal hygiene, but sometimes gynecological problems pop up like an uninvited guest. So, which are some common gynecological problems that must evoke your concern? Allow us to increase your general awareness by discussing some common gynecological issues. To discuss these issues we have Dr. Anu Sidana who is one of the best IVF specialist in Gurgaon.

Most Common Gynaecological Disorders


The gynecological diseases affect the reproductive organs like the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, external genitalia, and breasts of a lady and thus it’s going to affect her body’s sexual functions too. Therefore, it’s important to understand the symptoms and act promptly to avoid further complications. We also recommend visiting specialists for regular checkups in order to avoid complications. Following are a number of the foremost common gynecological issues:

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

A woman having this condition may have comparatively longer or infrequent menstrual cycles. She can also have increased amounts of androgen, a male hormone, in her body. During this condition, several follicles may appear on the ovaries, which can cause hindrance in releasing the egg.


The most common reasons which will cause PCOS are excessive levels of androgen within the body, genetic causes, or excessive insulin within the body.


Women affected by PCOS may experience abdominal obesity, acne, may become susceptible to diabetes, experience menstrual abnormality, or may face infertility issues.


Reducing weight could be suggested, exercising and yoga could also be helpful. Medicines are often prescribed for symptomatic relief.


Any woman who is in her reproductive phase may experience this condition that’s characterized by inflammation within the vagina.


Vaginitis may occur because of infection, excessive sexual activity, taking antibiotic medication, using spermicidal creams, or changing hormones.


If you’ve got vaginitis, you’ll face pain while peeing, vaginal itching or irritation, foul-smelling discharge, and other such symptoms.


Your doctor may prescribe you pills, cream, or gel to cure your condition.

UTI or Urinary Tract Infection


UTI is one among the foremost common gynecological problems that are faced by women of all age groups. This usually occurs when the bacteria present within the vagina or anus, move up to the urethra and bladder, and in some cases even kidneys.


A woman may become more vulnerable to this infection if she has narrowed tract or there’s some blockage within the urethra, bladder, or kidneys.


If you suffer from UTI, you’ll experience a burning sensation while urinating, cloudy urine, strong odour, or blood tinge within the urine. If the infection affects the kidneys, you’ll experience fever, chills, backache, vomiting, or nausea.


You will be prescribed antibiotics medication. The dosage and duration may depend upon the severity of the infection.

Dysmenorrhoea or Painful Periods

If a lady experiences pain during her menstrual cycles, it’s called dysmenorrhoea or painful periods. This condition is further divided into two categories primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea, where primary dysmenorrhoea is related to no pelvic diseases but secondary dysmenorrhoea is related to underlying pelvic disorders.


The primary dysmenorrhoea is caused because of prostaglandins, natural chemicals within the body. The secondary dysmenorrhoea may occur because of fibroids, endometriosis, or adenomyosis.


Women may feel intense abdominal cramping and pain, which can sometimes be felt within the lower back too.


The treatment may depend upon the sort of dysmenorrhoea you’ve got. However, your doctor may prescribe you painkiller medicines to alleviate the pain.


Fibroids are muscular tumors that will form inside a woman’s uterus. These tumors are rarely cancerous. They typically vary in location, size, and shape.


There are not any obvious reasons which will end in this condition. However, when hormones or genetics play havoc, it’s going to cause fibroids.


You may experience heavy periods, the pressure in the lower abdomen, bleeding in between your cycles, or pain during sexual activity.


In most cases, your doctor may recommend surgery. However, the procedure could also be determined counting on the severity of the condition and age of the patient.


This condition occurs when the uterine lining, which lines the uterus, grows outside the uterus or on the opposite parts.


A woman may experience this problem because of hormonal disturbances, genetic factors, menorrhea issues.


The symptoms of endometriosis may include painful menstrual cramps, spotting between the cycle, or digestive troubles.


Painkiller medicines, hormonal therapies, or surgery are often recommended based on how severe the condition is.

Pelvic Disease

This problem occurs within the upper genital tract organs of a woman’s body that include fallopian tubes, uterus, pelvic peritoneum, and other surrounding structures.



This may occur in women, who have history of pelvic inflammatory, multiple sexual partners, or women who are IUCD users.


Women with PID may experience lower abdominal pain, pain during sexual activity, abnormal discharge, vaginal bleeding, fever, or lethargy.


This condition is often managed with a course of antibiotic medicines.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is an STD or sexually transmitted disease that’s characterized by sores and blisters.


This virus infection is often caught & spread by vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person.


Women who develop herpes may experience flu-like symptoms that include chills, fever, muscle pain, fatigue, and nausea. Sores or blisters may appear on or around the genital organs.


Oral medication helps in curing the sores and blisters and should prevent them from spreading.

Dyspareunia or Painful Sexual Activity

This condition may affect women because of structural issues within the body or may occur due to psychological reasons.


The causes of this condition may include vaginitis, narrow vagina, PID, vulval infection, or thick hymen.


The symptoms may include pain during penetration, thrusting, pain which will remain for a few hours after sexual activity.


Sexual education is often imparted to both partners. However, most treatment may depend upon the explanation for the pain.