September 9, 2024

The World's Local Health

5 Ways In-Home Care Improves Quality of Life

3 min read
5 Ways In-Home Care Improves Quality of Life

There are many benefits to the elderly remaining in their home and receiving in-home care as the need arises. Most of the aging population desire to remain in their home if they are given the option. In-home care makes it possible for more people to stay home and stay independent longer.


No humans were designed to be alone. As friends, spouses and loved ones begin to pass to the other side, many elderly feel increased feelings of sadness and loneliness. Those who have lost a spouse typically experience coordinating decline after their passing. Having the companionship of an in-home care provider can extend life and improve quality of life for those who would otherwise live alone. You can learn more about specific services and see pictures of staff at work at the Idaho Falls In-Home Care page.

Lower Risk Of Fall

There are certain chores that come with owning a home. Yard work, house work, and other daily tasks can be a risk for the elderly as aging starts to affect motor skills and pain becomes more frequent. Having an in-home caregiver that can perform more high risk physical tasks can decrease the risk of falling for elderly. This is a huge deal because a fall can cause a domino effect of other problems and could result in expensive hospital stays.

More Time For Things You Enjoy

After years of keeping up with the mundane, it could be time to let someone else take care of all those pesky things you don’t want to do anymore. This could be grocery shopping, cooking meals, mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, etc. An in-home care provider can help with all of these tasks so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want to do.

Idaho Falls In-Home Care - The Gables Assisted Living

Budget Friendly

In-home caregivers do cost money, but compared to living in a facility it is a cheaper option. In-home care can also be personalized so that you are only paying for what services and the amount of time you need. If you or a loved one need some additional help but don’t need on-site nursing staff 24/7, in-home care is the perfect balance that is better for your wallet.

Better Family Relationships

It is great when family members volunteer to help provide services or care to an ailing family member. This is usually the cheapest option, but it may put a strain on precious relationships that can be detrimental to families. This is a time to enjoy spending time with those you love, and having someone else take care of things such as bathing or toileting could help maintain relationships in the way they were meant to be. When someone becomes a caregiver it is easy to lose for instance the parent-child relationship and instead become a caregiver-patient relationship. In-home caregivers allow both parties to remain in their proper family role.

Contact In-Home Care Providers Near You

Many assisted living facilities have staff that are dedicated to in-home caregiving. For those near Idaho or Utah, contact The Gables to see how our staff can help your loved one remain safely in their home and reap all of the above-mentioned benefits of this service.