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What You Need to Know About Intensive Outpatient Programs

What You Need to Know About Intensive Outpatient Programs

Substance abuse is such a life-altering condition, affecting not only the person suffering from it, but their loved ones and everyone else around them too. The road to recovery is not going to be easy, but there is hope.

With the right treatment plan and programs, it is still possible to turn things around to get your life back on track. One of the more effective programs available nowadays is Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP).

Getting to Know IOP

IOP is a type of program that subjects the patient to a comprehensive treatment plan for their substance abuse, whether alcohol or drugs. The big difference from all other kinds of treatment, however, is that it is carried out even without the patient staying in the facility. This means that the patient has the chance to live their daily life as regularly as they possibly can, within the purview of what their program allows them to do.

If you do enroll as an outpatient, you can expect to have a strict schedule to follow for your treatments, which may include counseling, therapy, and skills development. A

Who Should Get IOP?

Anyone suffering from severe substance abuse disorders can benefit from IOP. While there are some concerns as to its efficiency, especially since it’s going to be outside the facility, keep in mind that you are not going to be left to fend for yourself while you’re in treatment.

There will be checks and balances to ensure that the activities you engage in are approved and in line with what you’re trying to achieve with your sobriety. At the same time, it’s also a good method to immediately mitigate the addiction in new substance users before their substance dependency becomes worse.

How Does It Work?

There will need to be a lot of trust between you and your rehab doctor for this treatment plan to work. A well-made strategy can only be effective if you commit to the process completely.

It all begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your condition. Although there is a general formula that treatment programs follow, each and every patient has their own experience, status, and condition coming into rehabilitation. The evaluation is therefore crucial to ensuring that the actions implemented for the patient are what they need where they are in their journey back to wellness.

Once the evaluation is completed, you will undergo detoxification from your substance of choice, which entails absolute physical abstinence. It’s going to be physically strenuous and mentally exhausting, but the process should be well worth it, especially because your body is finally being cleansed of the toxins from the substance being abused.

Group therapy is also an integral component of IOP. Here, patients are encouraged to speak up and express their emotions, thereby improving their means of communication. You can also look forward to learning how to socialize once more, without relying on any other substance to boost your confidence in approaching others or to simply have fun. Supplementing these efforts are other methodologies, including psychiatric screening, vocational training, medication management, and individual counseling.

If you’re considering getting into an Intensive Outpatient Program, talk to facilities like NuView Treatment Center ( to learn more about this kind of program, as well as other options you can take.

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