Losing a significant amount of weight takes work. Aside from the physical tasks that go into weight loss — typically a healthy diet and activity — mental work is a critical part of the job. Individuals must commit to a lifestyle change while fighting biological factors at every turn.
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Working Hard To Maintain a Healthy Weight
Once people lose weight, the job isn’t over. They must keep up the lifestyle changes they have made or risk gaining the pounds again. At times, they may feel like they are battling with their bodies. In a sense, they are because the body is hard-wired to resist starvation.
Modern-Day Tools To Help Ancient Metabolism
Scientists have studied the brain’s effect on weight loss, and today many doctors specialize in weight management. They can use tools such as medication, nutrition counseling and surgical procedures to help people overcome the body’s tendency to override weight loss. However, these methods are not standalone solutions. Rather than replacing a healthy diet and exercise, they work in conjunction with lifestyle changes.
Individuals who have fought the weight-loss battle for a long time and have 30 or more pounds to lose may benefit from a procedure called an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty. If you are interested in learning about this weight-loss solution, it is a good idea to consult a sleeve gastroplasty specialist in Tampa. Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is a permanent method of reducing the stomach size by 70-80%. It is less invasive than laparoscopic weight-loss procedures, and patients typically return home the same day.
After the procedure, the doctor and patient work closely to monitor progress. A coaching program helps the patient stay on track and maintain weight loss.
Other modern weight-loss tools include prescription drugs. They work by making people feel fuller or less hungry. Others affect the way the body absorbs fat. Doctors consider a patient’s body mass, health conditions and history before prescribing them. They also work alongside improved nutrition and increased exercise.
Some prescriptions are meant for short-term use, usually 12 weeks or less. However, the doctor can determine if a patient is a good candidate for long-term use.
How the Body Resists Weight Loss
When people begin to lose weight, several processes trigger in the body. One is a slower metabolism. It is the process by which food is converted to energy. As the pounds come off, the body burns calories more slowly. Metabolism varies for each person. It also varies by gender and weight. The more a person weighs, the more calories it takes to move or maintain while at rest. Metabolism decreases proportionally with weight loss.
Another way the body resists weight loss is through increased hunger. As people lose weight, the hormones that signal hunger become more active, triggering a response to eat more and return to the previous weight. Hormones can even make people want to eat more than before to get back to their former weight faster.
The Lifetime Commitment
Once the weight is off, unfortunately, the metabolism may remain low and the appetite high even after people put in the hard work of weight loss. Maintaining a lower weight is a lifetime responsibility.
While diet is the most critical part of weight loss, exercise plays a supporting role. As people move into a maintenance phase, activity takes a more prominent place. Getting 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity three to four times a week can help keep the weight off.
Stress can factor into weight gain. People may turn to satisfying but unhealthy foods during times of stress. Stress releases cortisol, a hormone that increases the desire for fatty, salty and sweet foods. Controlling stress through meditation, journaling or counseling can help people maintain a healthy weight.
Losing weight is hard work, and maintaining a weight loss is a lifetime job. Fortunately, modern tools exist to help people overcome the body’s tendency to resist weight loss. Working with a healthcare professional can help people stay at a healthy weight.