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Does CBD Really Work? Facts & Myths Busted

Does CBD Really Work? Facts & Myths Busted

CBD Really Work

The hemp plant contains about 400 organic compounds, including alcohols, aldehydes, alkanes, amino acids, chlorophyll, glycosides, phytocannabinoids, and terpenes. But nowadays, two primary compounds are taking all attention, known as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

You may already get lost talking about all the non-psychoactive components, cannabinoids, CBD, THC, etc. But when all the myths and facts about CBD are uncovered, you will realise that there is nothing complicated about it. To help you figure out benefits, specifics, and most common CBD myths, this article will dispel three misconceptions and highlight four facts regarding CBD and THC use.

FACT: CBD Is A Type Of Cannabinoids

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of more than one hundred components of the Cannabis plant. These chemical compounds are known as cannabinoids. Contrary to her sister compound THC, CBD is a non-psychoactive anti-inflammatory compound that does not induce the “high” effect associated with marijuana use. This has made it popular among health and wellness-minded consumers, many of whom grow CBD-rich, low-THC strains using seeds from online retailers like, which they then process using a solvent like vegetable oil to produce a CBD extract that can be safely consumed or used as an ingredient in edible foods and beverages. The second most common is CBD oil. What exactly makes CBD so beneficial yet legal is that it does not have that intoxicating effect, like high concentrations of THC. While CBD products might contain a little traces of THC compound in full-spectrum products options, these small amounts won’t cause a ‘high’ effect. Also, broad-spectrum CBD or CBD isolate products eliminate any concentrations of THC.

CBD is known as an effective remedy that possesses various properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, and soothing effects to help with anxiety, chronic pain, extreme inflammation, insomnia, and other physical and mental disorders.

MYTH: CBD Is Good, THC Is Bad

Just because CBD is non-psychoactive and won’t cause a ‘high’ effect or changes in a state of mind, it is usually labelled as a “good” cannabinoid and THC as a “bad” one. But in many countries where medical cannabis is legal, THC is often prescribed to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to relieve symptoms of nausea and improve appetite. Some studies also indicate that THC kills certain types of cancer cells. But the interesting fact is that by combining both cannabinoids, CBD helps to diminish the psychoactive effect of THC compound.

FACT: CBD Interacts With The Body’s Endocannabinoid System

You may not know yet, but everyone from ascidians and mammals to humans has an endocannabinoid system. This vast network of receptors and endocannabinoids regulates vital functions of the body such as sleep, appetite, mood, memory, inflammation, stress, and reproduction. It happens that the endocannabinoid system is depleted, which scientists believe is the cause of certain diseases. Research shows that taking CBD can help to raise our endocannabinoid levels, allowing the body regain balance, which in turn results in pain and anxiety relief, improved mood, better quality sleep, increased energy and concentration, etc.

MYTH: There Is No Scientific Evidence That CBD Works

Although most studies so far have been preclinical, there have been studies on people treated directly by cannabidiol. The results have shown that it reduces symptoms of schizophrenia and is effective in reducing feelings of social anxiety. But the most extensive studies have been carried out in treatments for childhood epilepsy. Many clinical trials have been conducted, as a result of which one British company developed a drug based on CBD called Epidiolex. It was successfully tested on children with a rare form of epilepsy at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

FACT: CBD Is Currently Classified As A Drug

In the UK, it is possible to buy CBD oil as a food additive. But recently, the Health Care Regulatory Agency has decided to recognise the therapeutic benefits of CBD and reclassify it as a drug. It means that CBD will have to go through many rigorous trials like all other drugs. At the same time, CBD can still be purchased as a nutritional supplement while it is under consideration.

MYTH: If CBD Is So Good, Why Not Just Make A Synthetic Version Of It?

The fact is that in the case of cannabis, scientists have concluded that there is a kind of synergy between all active substances so that the whole plant is better than using its components separately. It is called an entourage effect. That is, the properties of an individual cannabis plant depend mainly on the ratio of THC, CBD, other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in its tissues.

But the use of the whole plant is of little interest to pharmaceutical companies that prefer to use a single substance or a synthetic version that can be patented.

FACT: CBD In The UK Comes From Hemp

For a beginner, it is probably hard to understand the difference between marijuana and hemp. They belong to the same plant family, but hemp contains more CBD, and its THC concentration is less than 0.2%. That’s why, in many countries, the main condition to sell and purchase CBD legally is considered hemp-delivered CBD oil in product composition.

However, the miracles of cannabis do not end there. After planting, it can absorb toxins from the soil and even be used to clear contaminated land of industrial waste.

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